Sunday, January 13, 2013

not the perp....

Yawn.....good morning...boy, did I need the Starbucks grande pike coffee this am...for a number of reasons. First of all, people are dropping around me with the flu....for example, when we walked into church today, an elderly woman was on the floor with lots of doctors and nurses surrounding her and someone on the phone calling "911" (what's the number for 911?). There was nothing that I could do as I saw that she was well cared for...I could hear her saying: "let me get up!"....The next person who dropped was the alter boy...he turned the shade of clean snow and had to be led out. After a few moments, his mother brought him back in and as we departed from church, I had to step over his breakfast that was on the sidewalk....ah, the flu.....

Now, why am I tired....the real we go with a 2 am Sunday morning call. Naturally, when the phone rang, we knew that it was not Verizon trying to fix my telephone was the big kid and thankfully, the phone was on his father's side of the, I shut my eyes and could hear a very panicked son in the background talking a mile a minute...and his dad saying: "You did nothing wrong....calm down...go witnessed a crime....did not commit it....." Yep....I'm tired....

Here are the details....Buddy and his posse went over to a high school friend's apartment and the group went to a rugby party down the hall. Ok, so far so good....then a fight broke out and he shuffled the girls back to their place for safety. Following this? It gets better.....

He and his friends left the apartment building through the parking garage and the fight continued out of the apartment, down the hall and stairs and into the garage where he was departing. With that, one of the rugby players swung and connected on a fellow student who twisted and landed on the floor of the garage. He was knocked out cold. Seeing that the injured guy was being taken care of by his friend, the big leftie got the heck out of there and called his dad and mom thinking that he was culpable and could be arrested.

Oye...are we still looking at a brilliant legal career? It's a good thing that he is so good looking, 'cause his common sense except for departing the scene is lacking.

Let's look at it from a parent's perspective....the kid obviously was having a good time with a group of friends.....obviously a great deal of alcohol flowed and students were inebriated.....with drinking comes crazy behavior....with crazy behavior comes stupid decisions....with stupid decisions, the cops come.  Buddy was not only worried about the kid who was injured but thought that he would be arrested because he was on the garage's video as being present  as a witness.

OK, it time to consider going to the movies on Saturday night? How about pinochle or parcheesi? Television, anyone? The season has to come now....

Dude...once again, you were in a spot that was fueled by liquor. No, you are not to blame, but you did witness something that went down. be grateful that you were not lying on the garage floor and were able to call your folks...and for crying out loud...get some sleep....'cause I know that you need it and so do I.

Have a good day!

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